Talk of the Town

May 24, 2009

Minutes of Meeting 18th of May 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — anztalkofthetown @ 7:01 am

Toastmaster Minutes of Meeting 18th May 2009

This is the club’s 20th Anniversary. The meeting opened with Kevin’s introduction to the chartered members and other members that created the club 20 years ago:

  1. Bernie – non chartered member
  2. Maggie – Ex president
  3. Kyle
  4. Hazel – Past president and founder of Curri club (a toastmaster for indigenous Australian)
  5. David Miller – Chartered member
  6. Margaret – Area governor and president.

General evaluation: Max Wallen -> Competition winner from Australian Post

Word of the day: Festive

Round robin: What’s your most memorable birthday or anniversary?

Table Topics:

  1. Should bar owner be responsible for alcohol related issue?
    1. Speaker: Margaret
  2. Do you think the legal minimum for alcohol should be lifted to 21?
    1. Speaker: Bernie
  3. Do you think the government should rise budgeting to tackle the global financial crisis?
    1. Speaker: Maggie
  4. What do you think about ticket inspector behaviour?
    1. Speaker: Jasmine
  5. You got caught speeding, how do you talk yourself out?
    1. Speaker: Kyle
  6. If you can go back in time to the age of 10. What advice would you give to yourself?
    1. Speaker: Felix

Table topic evaluator: Helen is not present, so Ajit replaced her.

Break : A lot of refreshment of food and wine

Prepared Speeches:

  1. Title: Passion
    1. Speaker: Hugh
    2. Description:
      1. Hugh talked about passion. What is passion? Previous toastmaster who is passionate about something. Hugh’s passions include music and education in the northern suburb. What isn’t passion include something that the outcome isn’t important and emotional aspects on things. How to get passion? Look at something that motivates you and decide to be a force to be reckoned with.
  2. Title: Grabbing the 2 edge swords
    1. Speaker: David Miller
    2. Description:
      1. David speak about the 2 edge swords, which is our ability to speak. He quoted Edward’s statement: ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’. The reason is because the sword’s effect is localized while the pen’s effect is about influence. He mentioned about his career as a credit analyst role at ANZ (Now it’s already automated), but because he got speaking ability, that’s something that cannot be automated. He mentioned about 2 things that you can do to improve your speeches: firstly get a video camera and secondly collect quotes. He concluded nicely with a statement from Abraham Lincoln: “I will prepare and someday my chance will come”.
  3. Title: Where are you from
    1. Speaker: Chris Greg
    2. Description:
      1. This is Chris icebreaker speech, Chris spoke about what do you call home and where are you from. He mentioned that he was born in New Zealand but moved to Sydney and then moved to Melbourne again. He also stated that the two most common questions that people asked the first time they met new people are: what do you and where are you from. So, he put emphasized the importance of where he’s from.
  4. Who is this man called George.
    1. Speaker: Hazel
    2. Description:
      1. Hazel told a chronological story line about a man called George whose life story is embed with pictorial description of his life through letters sent between George and a few of his friends. The story started out beautifully in the event of the wizard of oz at July 1941 and flow around the periods of wars and several near to death experience and ended at 1945. In the closing part of the story, Hazel mentioned that his dad’s name is George; however, she didn’t mentioned whether there is no direct connection whether George in her story is the same as George her dad.


David Miller – Best speaker

Ajit – Best evaluator

Maggie – Best table topic

May 4, 2009

Minutes of Meeting 4th of May 2009

Filed under: clubbusiness — anztalkofthetown @ 12:37 pm

Toastmaster 4th May 2009

The meeting starts with election for executive committee.

–          President: Hugh and Ross nominated themselves and Hugh won the presidency title.

–          Vice President Education: Nikkho won the position.

–          Vice President Membership: Vacant

–          Vice President PR: Vacant

–          Secretary: Celina won the position.

Congratulations to all of the winners of executive committee!

Word of the day: Fastidious

Round Robin: (Continuing the story) Starts with Ajit & Captain Cook arrive at the island.. ending with I arrived in toastmasters

Table Topic:

  1. Do swine flu deter you from going overseas?
    1. Speaker: Ajit
  2. Are you a believer in global warming?
    1. Speaker: Sam
  3. With four horses are put down, should horse race be banned?
    1. Speaker: Jasmine
  4. How would you solved victoria water shortage?
    1. Speaker: Al
  5. The first home owner scheme is creating issues, should it be discarded?
    1. Speaker: Tram
  6. Does Melbourne need a second AFL stadium?
    1. Speaker: Tim

Prepared speeches:

Carlos didn’t turn up, so we have 2 speakers:

  1. Title: Dragonboat
    1. Speaker: Wilmar
    2. Description:
      1. In his 7th speech wilmar talked about what interest him into dragon boat. He mentioned that it is healthy to be a dragonboat paddler and it is fun to be with the paddlers.
  2. Title: Do you want to be my friend
    1. Speaker: Felix
    2. Description:
      1. In his icebreaker speech, Felix talked about 3 things: his passion, his love of music and what he would like to do before he died. His passion would be tennis, his music taste is jazz and he would like to speak to George Bush before he died. He concluded nicely that if he wants to be your friend, we need to vote for him.

Education and supporting roles:

Word of the day winner: Nikkho – said 4 times

Next meeting roles:

Next meeting will be the club’s 20th anniversary. The following is the agenda:

–          Tania: Table topic

–          Kumar: Round robin

–          Robert: Wordmaster

–          Speakers: David

–          Time keeping: Jess

–          Harkmaster: Sam

There will be plenty of food and alcoholic beverages. So please come!

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