Talk of the Town

October 27, 2008

November 3rd Meeting canceled/rescheduled

Filed under: Uncategorized — anztalkofthetown @ 12:03 am

Just a quick note to let you know that there will be no meeting this November 3rd.

It’s been generally agreed that you’ll all need your voices to be in tip top shape to yell at the horses in the Melbourne cup so we can’t risk you straining your vocal chords at a Toastmasters meeting (wink).

So we’ll see you all on November 17th bright and enthused and full of race day stories (suitably embellished during the two week gap).
Happy horse racing !

October 26, 2008

Go Ross !!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — anztalkofthetown @ 11:58 pm

Congratulations to Ross Turetsky who represented Anz Talk at the recent area competitions for Table Topics and won !!!

It was a great night out. Special thanks to all the Anz Talk members who turned up to support Ross.

The fun continues on the 6th of November at

Esanda Toastmasters

85 Spring Street (Bright Sparks Room)

between 1730 – 2000

When Ross will bowl for the trifecta as our representative in both the Evaluation and International speaking competitions. Be there (I will be) to bask in the reflected glory (not to oversell it 😉

Woo !!!

October 20, 2008

Minutes for meeting no. 458 October 20th 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — anztalkofthetown @ 11:27 am

Robert Horvath was our Toastmaster for meeting no. 458.

Word of the day

Ben Maslen filled in for word of the day. ‘Excogitate’ was the word in question.

Round Robin

Topic: Tram Tao guided us along giving us all an opportunity to share with the group a brief introduction to ourselves.

Table Topic

Ajit gave us all a treat then with some thought provoking table topics.

  1. Our guest Al was asked what he’d do if he awoke in a world without people his answer ‘ice scream’ 🙂
  2. John Scheele was asked to ponder the logic of his tie in the universe. His answer, the shirt picks the tie.
  3. Will Lo then gave us his picture of the meaning of life style ‘o Will.
  4. Our guest Selena sold us a pen with magic properties.
  5. Tram Tao pondered the links between 7 fingered salmon people and gmo strawberries.
  6. Ross finally took us on a journey of drugs, guns money and misplaced blame.


  1. Craig Coonan gave his 5th speech ‘Golf a metaphor for life’ (evaluated by Jasmin Zhang).
  2. Kumar delivered speech no. 6 ‘3 Steps to Build Discipline’ (evaluated by Ben Maslen)
  3. Tram Tao performed a follow up speech ‘impromptu’ (evaluated by Ross Turetsky)
  4. Carlos Jones gave us the funny side of global financial crisis with his speech no. 4 ‘Making the Most of the Financial Crisis (evaluated by Jon Scheele)

Supporting roles

  1. Guests: Selena, Al, Sam, Tom and Dan.
  2. Allan Gowers tested us with his hark mastery.
  3. Amelia gave us an honesty check as grunt master.
  4. Kevin watched the clock as timekeeper.
  5. Ben Maslen reported the rampant abuse of power by Robert Horvath who used his position as Toastmaster to use the word ‘excogitate’ 19 times !!!!

Prize winners

Ben Maslen – best evaluator
Ross– best table topic
Craig Coonan – Best speaker

October 9, 2008

Minutes from the Meeting – October 6th 2008

Filed under: clubbusiness — anztalkofthetown @ 6:21 am

Alana Coleman was the Toastmaster for meeting no. 457.

I think you’ll all agree she did a wonderful job 🙂

Word of the day

Carlos provided us with the word of the day ‘laconic’. Thanks to Carlos for keeping it short and sweet.

Round Robin

Topic: Ben jumped into the fray and challenged us to respond to “how does space influence your day to day life”.

Table Topic

Tania then grabbed the reigns and lost no pace with 6 quick fire table topics.

  1. Kevin was asked for his highlights of 2008 which included a trip to capetown and a challenge to look to local holiday destinations.
  2. Neekho was asked what he would do with a little extra time. His response was split between: Work, friends and swimming.
  3. Robert Horvath gave us all a glimpse into academic underpinnings of ‘Money makes the world go round’
  4. Ajit was queried for his wishlist superpower and responded with his desire to ‘travel through time’.
  5. Nadhira gave us a bit of insight into the world of love in response to the quote “diamonds are a girls best friend”
  6. And finally Mimi gave us her take on the water crisis problem/solution and explored the use of desalination plants to solve the problem.


  1. Jasmine told us her tale of a river cruise in China – Jasmine  Zhang (evaluated by Ben Maslen)
  2. Ross gave us his pitch on domain name speculation – Ross Turetsky (evaluated by Ajit Ravindran)
  3. Tram Tao performed her icebreaker – Tram Tao  (evaluated by Robert Horvath)
  4. Robert Lu gave us an insight into the credit crisis and its historical precedents – Robert Lu (evaluated by Nadhira Razack)
  5. Jon Scheele re-broke the ice with his icebreaker – Jon Scheele (evaluated by Amellia Xie)

Supporting roles

  1. Guests: Selena, Ben, Amy, Sarah and Helen.
  2. Neekho stumped us all as Harkmaster
  3. Kevin kept us honest as Gruntmaster
  4. Carlos kept the peace as both timer and word of the day.

Prize winners

Ajit – best evaluator
Ajit – best table topic
Jon Scheele – Best speaker

Executive meeting.

Capping policy will be suspended pending further review of the clubs membership and goals.

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