Talk of the Town

December 8, 2008

No Formal Meeting 15th December – Casual Coffee/Drink instead.

Filed under: clubbusiness, meetingbusiness — anztalkofthetown @ 12:29 am

Hey Folks,

Christmas is here (it’s undeniable) so your Toastmasters Club will be taking a short break until we restart next year.

I’d like to thank you all for your wonderful contributions, company, assistance and cooperation over the last Toastmasters session.

In place of an ordinary meeting this Monday its been decided to meet at nearby Cafe Segovia for a quiet drink/coffee and a catchup.

Cafe Segovia
33 Block Pl
Melbourne 3000 VIC
(03)9650 2373

To be clear this is social gathering only we will NOT be running any of our usual Toastmasters activities (other than having a bit of a chat).

If you could let me know if you can make it, via email (, I’ll try and book a table at the venue, otherwise we can just rock up on the night and take pot luck ! 🙂

In any case thanks for a great year, I look forward to seeing you when I do 🙂

Kind regards,

Ben Maslen.

December 7, 2008

Minutes for Meeting December 1st 2008 – Meeting No. 460

Filed under: clubbusiness, meetingbusiness — anztalkofthetown @ 11:58 pm

Jon Scheele was our Toastmaster for meeting no. 460.

Word of the day

Sam Patterson made a wonderful ToastMasters debut with the word of the day ‘Heart’ it was used and abused liberally throughout the night, well done to Sam he really showed some great … <lol>

Round Robin

Ken was our man of the night thanks Ken 🙂 .

Table Topic

Tram had us all on our thinking toes with some poignent table topics.

  1. Kumar told us what he thought about a possible bail out package for the CitiGroup institution.
  2. First time guest Steve jumped into the fray with some comments on the EU providing financial assistance for its less finanically robust members.
  3. Ben Maslen was caught like a deer in the headlights when he was asked to connect the concepts of ‘A Boat’ ‘A Goat’ and ‘A Moat’.
  4. Sam Patterson suggested that if Bill Gates gave him $50 Million to invest there might be a few more pace makers in the world (nice use of the word of the day ‘Heart’ Sam).
  5. New member Al Bradtke got all gushy and admited that and ideal Christmas for him would be surrounded by his close family.
  6. Ross got asked to pick the last book in the world and made it a history of Australia.


  1. Ken Gave performed his 10th speech (congratulations CC) on the Victorian Jazz Archives (evalated by Robert Horvath).
  2. Nadhira asked us all to look a bit more closely at the common walnut (evaluated by Yang Xu)
  3. Will Lo asked us to ponder the implications of waiting for the sky to fall and the self fulfilling prophecy (evaluated by Tania Wilson)
  4. Amelia performed her final speech in her advanced manual on ‘ETS: A Key To Green’ and took questions from the floor (well done on finishing your manual Amelia) (evaluated by Ross Turetsky)

Supporting roles

  1. Guests:  Steve (winner of most outstanding Guest well done Steve !)
  2. Ben Maslen made sure we were paying attention as Hark Master
  3. Al Bradtke made a ToastMaster debut as Grunt Master and … um … was … err … doing a fantastic job.
  4. Jasmine volunteered at the last minute to be timekeeper (thanks Jasmine you really saved our bacon).
  5. Word of the day was administered by Sam Patterson who did a great job despite Ben’s ‘Heartless’ abuse of power in repeating the word ‘Heart’ in as many contrived but ‘Heartfelt’ examples as he possibly had the ‘Heart’ to come up with <lol>

Prize winners

Ross – Best Evaluator

Ross – Best Table Topic

Will Lo – Best Speaker.

Well done and big thankyou to all for a great meeting.

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